The Sussex School of Archaeology and History
Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Welcome to our events for 2025
Check back here for details of our conferences and go to our USAS page for our online lecture series
Saturday 22nd March 2025, 11am - 4.30pm
"Thames Mudlarking, Searching for London's Lost Treasures"
King's Church, Lewes
Run in association with 'Hands on History', this event will 'showcase' the extraordinary range of historical finds (prehistoric to modern) recovered from the Thames foreshore.
There will be 20 mudlark exhibitors displaying their finds, and a repeated lecture will explain what Mudlarks do and find.
This event will be of great interest to people of all ages (including school children) who are interested in archaeology and/or history.
No need to come all day, drop in for an hour or two, see the exhibitions, view the recorded lecture, and visit the archaeology bookstalls.

Saturday 7th June 2025
"Shining a Light on Roman Roadside Settlements in South-East England"
A conference organised jointly by the Roman Study Group of the Surrey Archaeological Society and the Sussex School of Archaeology & History
Kings Church Hall, Lewes
10am - 5pm
Join us in-person or online
About our courses and events
During the Covid pandemic and lockdown restrictions, we developed new online offerings to add to our previous ones, such as our popular face-to-face annual Sussex Archaeology Symposium which remains the main county-wide event each year for the presentation and public discussion of recent archaeological research in Sussex. We also decided to expand our remit to cover aspects of History, especially the Local History of Sussex and the South-East - hence our new expanded name of The Sussex School of Archaeology and History (SSA&H) - and our new annual history conference at Lewes in October. Our reasons for such developments are firstly the widespread public appreciation of the likes of Zoom Online Technology, and secondly the gaps in our region regarding the provision of local lectures, courses, and conferences for those interested in archaeology and/or local history. Our two main annual conferences are currently held at Kings Church Lewes (archaeology in March; history in October). These are now available both face-to-face and online by zoom. However, attending in person at Lewes has the advantage of meeting speakers, other networking, and being able to view stands and bookstalls run by various organisations in the region.
As in 2023, the November we are again organising a conference at Kings Church in association with the Council for British Archaeology South-East. This event will be a Memorial Conference in memory of the life, work and research interests of Dr. Malcolm Lyne who sadly died last November.
We are currently preparing our 2025 programme of online lectures, as well as our conferences on 22nd March and 11th October. We are also hoping to offer a Study Tour to Crete in September 2025. The lectures will now include those previously run by the University of Sussex Archaeological Society (USAS) which has been taken over by the Sussex School of Archaeology and History.
For details of our lectures, courses and events, including the proposed tour to Crete, please keep an eye on this website or email admin@sussexarchaeology.co.uk or join our Facebook Group.
Dr David Rudling, FSA, MCIfA, Academic Director
Academic Director, The Sussex School of Archaeology and History